Day 23—Signs of Spring

A little over a week back at work and though I’m grateful, this working to pay my rent is totally getting in the way of my writing blogs and making art. I may sound like the most ungrateful miracle worker you’ve ever come across, but what’s the point if I can’t get out of the hand-to-mouth mentality that got me here in the first place?

So to update you all on my progress: Friday (as in day 18) I got an interview from one of those 800 resumes I sent out in a blind panic. The ad was for a part-time office assistant and said, “Co-create this position.” How could anyone not apply for that job?” I didn’t hear back, as you know because I whined about it, and let it go. Recently­ I came across a tool for activating help—and I wish I could remember where I found it because I’d link you to it or at least give the author full credit. Basically, when struggling with a decision or problem, and you want to activate your Guides/Angels/Team of Ass Kicking Entities you go inside and ask your Inner Wisdom, “Is being/doing/having this going to bring me closer to my purpose or goal?” I like this tool a lot. When I’m feeling faithful I don’t send out as many resumes. When I’m not so faithful I think, “does achieving my goal of don’t be homeless count?” Anyway. With this particular job I was on the fence. I didn’t have a clear “yes or no.” But I thought, “If it’s meant to be…” and trusted that the writers of the ad would also be going inward and asking guidance.

At this point I think it worth mentioning that if I get the job—and “no” I still don’t know for certain—I will be an assistant for an author and motivational speaker. And you’re going to love the irony: Her expertise is on creating the work you love.  Really, my Go-To-Team must be getting such a kick out of that, I know I do. So yah, I was pretty excited when they called me in for an interview.

I’m not sure what will happen but I left the interview thinking that if I didn’t get the job I wanted to be her friend. Really, I liked her that much. I guess that’s why she’s motivational.

But don’t get discouraged. The crisis is still over so it’s perfectly okay with me that the fine-tuning is going slowly. And it doesn’t hurt that today I sold a painting.

I know it’s sort of unfair of me to throw that in at the end of the post like it’s no big deal and I do that sort of thing every day. It’s not like that at all. This is a big deal to me. Not just the joy of making money doing something I love (!!!) but also being able to now replenish art supplies, so I can make more art! And that’s sort of how it’s been going since I started this blog. It’s not like I’ve won the lottery and now I’m on easy street. It’s more like I’ve planted a lot of different seeds and now I’m beginning to see early signs of spring.

That means a slow and steady movement towards full bloom. I can’t wait to see what it is that I’ve planted…

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